Workshop Product Guide

Information on ballast weights for access towers

The best way to fasten ballast weights to mobile access towers – and what you need to observe when doing so.

The HSE gives excellent advice on working at height regulations and access towers. To comply with applicable standards, mobile access towers must be ballasted according to platform height and configuration. The ballast consists of weights, which are secured to the base of the scaffolding to increase stability and resistance to tipping. Solid materials (e.g. steel or concrete) are used for ballast weights. The use of liquid or granular materials should be avoided. The ballast weight is to be attached in such a way that its position cannot be unintentionally changed.

Ballast weights are generally not needed for scaffolding heights which provide a working height up to 3.25 m. The use of ballast weights is also not compulsory for scaffolding set-up in the centre of indoor areas.

In accordance with BS EN 1004:2004, we recommend using the following ballasting guidelines for our mobile access towers: The applicable ballast weight guidelines for individual models of scaffolding can be found in the corresponding set-up and use guides. Please observe country-specific regulations where applicable.

It is also important to observe the relevant instructions in the set-up and use guide provided by the tower manufacturer.

Information on ballast weights for access towers pha

Illustration shows ballast weight with bracket

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